Terralens Server
Multiformat Map Tile Server
TerraLens Server is a versatile map server optimized to work with applications built on the TerraLens® SDK. TerraLens Server is a highly performant map tile server that includes additional features to support real-time applications and complex visualizations with multiple data layers. In addition to serving raster tiles, TerraLens Server handles a wide array of terrain data and vector formats, and includes an integrated MIL-SPEC 2525C symbol server.
We can help you evaluate TerraLens® with one or more free developer licenses, and one-on-one technical support. Contact us with the form below to talk to a Technical Solutions Engineer about your needs and environment.
TerraLens Server is a highly optimized map tile server that can deliver vector and raster map tiles to thin or thick clients via the Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) protocol.
While TerraLens Server is an OGC-compliant WMTS server which can be used as a highly performant tile server with any client software that supports WMTS tile formats.
When paired with applications built with the TerraLens® SDK, TerraLens Server provides additional functionality - delivering terrain data and multiple layers of vector data. TerraLens Server also includes an integrated MIL-SPEC 2525C symbol server.
TerraLens Server is an ideal solution for thin client applications that are intended for use with highly detailed map data.
Includes all features, controlling
development costs as your
project grows
Maintenance includes future
TerraLens upgrades
Technical Support by the R&D team
to help integrate new features, or optimize your application for performance
Terralens Server
Multiformat Map Tile Server
For a complete list of technical specifications, see the TerraLens product specifications page.
Real-Time Geospatial SDK